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Rights and Reproductions
Requests for reproduction must be made for images of artwork in the MCASD Collection. If you do not know the specific artwork you would like to reproduce and need assistance to identify a work of art, please contact rightsandrepro@mcasd.org.
Written permission must be obtained from the MCASD Registrar’s Office prior to any reproduction or publication of objects in the MCASD collection. Please review our Conditions for Reproduction below before placing your order. To request permission , please email rightsandrepros@mcasd.org.
Assistant Registrar
Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego
700 Prospect St.
San Diego, CA 92137
Please include the following information in your email:
— Your contact information including name, mailing address, phone number, and email address.
— Indicate whether or not your company is a non-profit, for-profit, or if you are requesting the image(s) as a private individual.
— Information regarding the requested image including artist, title, date, medium, dimensions.
— The filetype you would prefer (300 dpi tiff or jpeg digital file).
— Intended use of the image (web, film/video, print).
— As much information as possible about the publication such as title, author, editor, publisher, languages, distribution, publication date, print run/no. of copies.The nature or intended use of publication such as educational, promotional, profit, non-profit, etc.
MCASD reviews all written requests, and permission may be granted on a case-by-case basis at the sole discretion of the Museum. A usage fee may be involved depending on the type and nature of the proposed use.
Once your request is approved, you will be sent a Conditions for Reproductions form and invoice for the administrative fee. This form is a contract which specifies the conditions under which images may be reproduced.
Review the form carefully and return a signed copy of the form along with your payment. The image will only be sent upon receipt of payment and the signed Conditions for Reproductions form.
Please allow up to 2-3 weeks for initial processing. Large orders or requests for new photography may require longer processing times.
MCASD does not hold copyright for any images in the collection. Applicants will be notified if copyright clearance must be obtained through a third party prior to the processing of the request.
Payment is required in full in advance of all media delivery. Payment by check must be in U.S. dollars. Credit cards (Vista/Mastercard/American Express) and wire transfers are accepted for an additional fee.
Color transparency Black and white transparency 300 dpi, digital TIFF or JPEG file Please note that only a portion of the MCASD collection has been professionally photographed, therefore new photography might be required. In that case, photographers’ fees will apply.
Artworks from MCASD’s Collection are available for temporary exhibition loan, based on the following criteria: condition of the object, the borrower’s AAM Standard Facility Report, and approval by the Museum Board and Director. Applications for loans must be made as follows: at least one (1) year before the exhibition opening date for international loans, and (8) months before the exhibition opening date for domestic loans.
Written loan requests may be forwarded to loans@mcasd.org.
Questions regarding MCASD’s collection can be addressed directly to rightsandrepro@mcasd.org.
Written permission must be obtained from the Registrar’s Office of the MCASD prior to any reproduction or publication of the objects in the MCASD collection.
The MCASD can grant the permission requested only to the extent of its ownership of the rights relating to the request. Certain works of art as well as the photographs of those works of art may be protected by copyright, trademark, or related interests not owned by the MCASD. The responsibility for ascertaining whether any such rights exist and for obtaining all other necessary permission remains with the applicant.
Any permission for reproduction is granted for non-exclusive, one-time editorial use only. Such use excludes any reproduction for purposes of advertising or promotion.
All transparencies remain the property of the MCASD.
Duplicates may not be made of reproductive materials supplied by the MCASD. Any duplicates become property of the MCASD. If reproduction is to be made from photographic materials, which are not supplied by the MCASD, the MCASD reserves the right to approve those photographic materials.
In the reproduction process, the object illustrated in the transparency or photograph may not be cropped, bled off the page, overprinted, printed on colored stock, or altered in any way without prior written approval from the MCASD. If a detail is used, it must be identified as such.
Full documentation credit, as supplied by the MCASD, must appear in immediate proximity to the image, or in the section devoted to photographic credits. Abbreviations are not permitted.
Permission is valid only for the individual, company, or institution to whom it is specifically issued and may not be transferred, assigned, sold, or otherwise disposed of without written permission of the MCASD.
The publisher is to provide the MCASD with one complete, gratis copy of the publication in which the image is reproduced. Send to the attention of the Registrar’s Office.
The MCASD assumes no responsibility for any royalties or fees claimed by the artist, or on their behalf.
The MCASD reserves the right to deny permission to reproduce an image from its collection to any applicant whose product is not acceptable to the MCASD for any reason.
The Museum shall maintain as a separate fund all proceeds from disposal of any work and any contributions of funds restricted to acquisition of art works (the “Accessions Fund”).
The Accessions Fund shall be used for the acquisition of works of art. Acquiring works of art may involve costs for purchase, taxes, shipping, framing, or other preparation needs associated with practically acquiring these works.
Proceeds of sales of works of art will go into an art acquisitions fund. The income from this fund, or the fund principal, will be used for the purchase of works of art only.
Interim Guidelines (Addendum A) amend MCASD’s Permanent Collections Policies and Procedures regarding Proceeds of Sales from deaccessioned objects through April 10, 2022.
On April 10, 2020 the Association of Art Museum Directors Board of Trustees passed a resolution allowing museums the financial flexibility to use the proceeds from deaccessioned works of art to support the “direct care” of the museum’s collection. The process for using funds from deaccessioning during this period follows.
Until April 10, 2022, proceeds from deaccessioned works of art may support the “direct care” of the museum’s collection. The American Alliance of Museums defines direct care as expenses that “invest in the existing collections by enhancing their life, usefulness or quality and thereby ensuring they will continue to benefit the public.”* The following is a list of expenditures that promote the sustained care and support of the museum’s permanent collection to achieve these goals.
Expenditures may include, but are not limited to:
— Conservation and Preservation (examination, survey, treatment, framing, packing; and costs associated with the engagement of outside vendors and independent experts)
— Documentation (cataloging, inventory, research, photography, file conversion and digitization, information technology and equipment related to collections management systems)
— Storage and Safeguarding (systems, supplies, and facilities for the creation and maintenance of secure and climate-controlled museum spaces; and an allocable portion of salaries for staff that act in the management and handling of the collection).
Funds used for direct care shall be held separate and identifiable from other available funds used by the museum. An ad hoc committee consisting of the David C. Copley Director and CEO, the Chief Financial Officer, the Chief Advancement Officer, the Senior Director, Curatorial Affairs, the Curator and Registrar shall convene to review and recommend allocation of any funds used for “direct care” of the collection. These recommendations shall be reported to the Collections Committee and the Finance Committee, which will ratify and send recommendations to the Board of Trustees for approval.
*Citation: Direct Care of Collections: Ethics, Guidance and Recommendations. American Alliance of Museums, March 2019, p. 2.
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